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    Jul 16, 2024  
2017-2018 Student Handbook 
2017-2018 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED]

Part 5: Campus Information


Student Rights and Responsibilities

Photo showing IVC staff and administrationIVC’s responsibilities are to provide:

•   Admission and registration services

•   Assessment services

•   Student orientations to college programs, services and policies

•   Assistance in developing an academic plan

•   Support services

•   Quality instruction

•   Appropriate follow-up and referral services

IVC student responsibilities are to:

•   Identify an education goal and career goal

•   Participate in orientation, assessment and advisement, and develop initial and comprehensive academic plans

•   Attend classes, diligently engage in course activities, and complete assigned coursework

•   Properly add and drop all classes

•   Seek support services as needed

•   Follow all campus rules and regulations

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Smoking Policy

To ensure a healthy and clean learning environment, Irvine Valley College has gone smoke-free. Using tobacco products such as cigars, cigarettes, pipes, electronic cigarettes (vapor), and smokeless or chewing tobacco is prohibited within any college facility and/or outside area of campus. Violators could be subject to citation. For more information on the policy, visit

Student Code of Conduct

Photo showing IVC studentsIrvine Valley College students must follow state and federal laws, the California Education Code, and the policies and procedures of the South Orange County Community College District. The District established the Student Code of Conduct to provide notice of the type of conduct that is expected of each student. Being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol or the existence of other mental impairment does not diminish or excuse a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Requirements for student conduct are set forth in the California Education Code, Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, policies of the Board of Trustees, and in the California Penal Code.

Students in the South Orange County Community College District are responsible for regulating their own conduct and for respecting the rights and privileges of others. Irvine Valley College students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the function of the college as an educational institution and to respect and obey all civil and criminal laws. Failure to show respect for the standards as set forth by the South Orange County Community College District is cause for expulsion. 

Students may be disciplined for one or more of the following causes related to college activity or attendance. 

  1. Disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, or the open and persistent defiance of the authority of district personnel. 
  2. Assault, battery, or any threat of force or violence upon a student, district personnel, or on an authorized visitor.
  3. Willful misconduct resulting in injury or death to a student or district personnel or an authorized visitor, or willful misconduct resulting in damage, defacing, theft, or other injury to any real or personal property owned by the District, or district personnel, or students in attendance at the colleges or programs of the District.
  4. The unlawful use, sale, or possession on district property or presence on district property while under the influence of any controlled substance or any poison classified as such by state or federal law.
  5. Smoking in an area where smoking has been prohibited by law or by policy of the Board of Trustees or administrative regulation.
  6. Disorderly, lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct on district property or at district sponsored functions. 
  7. Sexual assault (as defined in Board Policy 5404) on any student, or employee of the District, on campus or off-campus grounds or facilities maintained by the district.
  8. The possession or use of any firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, deadly weapons, or other potentially harmful implements or substances while on district property or at a district-sponsored function without the prior authorization of the disciplinary officer. 
  9. The obstruction or disruption, on or off campus, of any educational or administrative process or any other process or function of the District. 
  10. Physical abuse, on or off campus property, of the person or property of any member of the campus community or of members of his or her family or the threat of such physical abuse when related to a district program or activity.
  11. Misrepresentation of oneself or of an organization as an agent of the District.
  12. Soliciting or assisting another to do any act which would subject a student to discipline.
  13. Use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal narcotics/drugs on district premises, or at district-sponsored events, or appearances on district property or at district sponsored events while under the influence of alcohol or illegal narcotics/drugs unless otherwise provided by law and District policy.  
  14. Unauthorized recording, dissemination, and publication of academic presentations or materials. This prohibition applies to a recording made in any medium.
  15. Actions of force or threat of force to injure, intimidate, oppress or threaten because of the other person’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation, or because of the perception that the other person has one or more of these characteristics.
  16. Academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to falsification, plagiarism, cheating or fabrication, which compromises the integrity of an assignment, a college record or a program. See “Academic Honesty and Dishonesty” in the Academic Policies section.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is offensive, unwelcome sexual attention. It may be pressure for dates or sexual favors, suggestive gestures or remarks, touching, or actual or attempted rape or assault. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; California law; and the South Orange County Community College District Board policies. Any student, faculty, or staff member who is a victim of a sexual assault at or on the grounds of the South Orange County Community College District, or upon grounds or facilities maintained by the District, or upon grounds or facilities maintained by affiliated student organizations, shall receive treatment and information set forth in Administrative Regulation 5404 (California Education Code, Section 67385). If you feel you are being sexually harassed and would like clarification, an informational brochure on the options is available to you. If you would like to discuss your concerns with an administrator, please contact Linda Fontanilla, the Title IX coordinator and vice president for Student Services, at 949-451-5214 or Dr. Elizabeth Cipres, dean for Counseling Services and discipline officer, at 949-451-5410.

The South Orange County Community College District is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in which all persons who live, work, and learn in our campus community can be free of all forms of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and retaliation. Every member of the campus community should be aware that sex offenses are prohibited by law as well as our district policy. Sex offenses threaten the emotional, physical, and psychological well-being of our students, faculty, and staff and endanger the safety of our community. Sex offenses violate the principles of our community and the values that we hold most important. Therefore, sex offenses will not be tolerated and is prohibited on campus, and sets forth the procedure for the investigation and resolution of complaints of harassment/violence by or against any staff or faculty member or student within the District. 

Gender Equity Grievance Procedure - Title IX Notice

Irvine Valley College does not discriminate on the basis of handicap, sex, race, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of (1) educational policies, (2) personnel practices, and (3) college programs. The college, by law, cannot engage in any such discriminatory activity. Complaint procedures exist for students, employees and job applicants. Information can be obtained from the Office of Human Resources for job applicants and employees. The Office of Student Services maintains complaint procedure information for students. Any question regarding discrimination and sexual harassment may be directed to the Director of Human Resources. Any questions regarding the access of handicapped persons to programs and services should be directed to the Irvine Valley College Vice President for Student Services and Section 504 ADA Coordinator at 949-451-5624, Irvine Valley College, 5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618.

Section 504/Americans with Disabilities Act Complaint/Grievance Procedure

Students with disabilities have the same legal entitlement as any other student. The Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in any program or activity offered by Irvine Valley College. It is the policy of Irvine Valley College to offer programs and activities which are accessible to students with disabilities. Any individual who believes he/she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of a disability may file a written complaint in the office of the Vice President for Student Services. Any student with a verified disability who believes they have received an unacceptable response or have been denied an authorized accommodation is encouraged to speak with a counselor and/or complete an Academic Adjustment Grievance form. The Academic Adjustment Grievance form and a copy of the procedures for filing a Section 504/ADA Complaint regarding discrimination are available in DSPS or the office of the Vice President for Student Services. The Vice President for Student Services currently serves as the campus Section 504/ADA Officer. Copies of complete Board Policy Rules and Regulations for Student Behavior are available in the office of the Irvine Valley College Vice President for Student Services and Section 504 ADA Coordinator at 949-451-5624, Irvine Valley College, 5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618.

Irvine Valley College Social Media Guidelines

Irvine Valley College’s social media presence is intended to be an engagement tool for students and the campus to connect through photos and video on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTube. Comments posted on our page do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the college.

We adhere to the Terms of Use and Code of Conduct for each social media platform, and we reserve the right to remove any content that is abusive and/or profane, as well as advertisements for products, services, activities and events not sponsored by the college.

Students who interact with Irvine Valley College on social media are expected to conduct themselves as they would in a classroom.

Administrators of this page have the right to remove anyone who does not abide by the standards described in the Student Code of Conduct, which can be viewed at:

For the full text of Irvine Valley College’s Social Media Guidelines, visit:

If you have a concern about any posted content, or about any content that has been removed by the administrators of IVC’s social media accounts, please email us at

Disciplinary Action

A request for disciplinary action may be initiated in writing by district employees. When there is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the following procedures will be followed:

If the conduct occurred in the classroom, the instructor may remove the student from class for that day and the next class meeting if the student interfered with the instructional process. Removal must be reported to the disciplinary officer immediately. If the student is a threat to self or to others, the instructor must contact Campus Police immediately. If the student removed is a dependent minor, the instructor may request that the parent or guardian attend a parent conference regarding the removal. Upon removal of a student, the instructor will give the student verbal and/or written notice of the reasons for the removal. Refer to AR 5401 for more details. 

If the conduct did not occur in the classroom, the college employee discovering the conduct will report the incident to the disciplinary officer and submit a written report on the appropriate form (i.e., Incident Report form). The report will include (a) date and time of the conduct, (b) location, (c) names of witnesses, and (d) a detailed explanation of the alleged misconduct. 

When the report of alleged misconduct is sent to the disciplinary officer, the officer will evaluate the information to determine if it alleges a violation of the District’s student conduct policy and/or regulations. If the disciplinary officer determines that the report supports such allegations, a meeting will be requested with the student to provide the student an opportunity to respond to the allegations.

The disciplinary officer will review all documentation related to the case to make a determination if disciplinary action is required.

The disciplinary officer will send a notice by mail to the student charged with the violation. This notice will include a written explanation of the incident and the charges that have been made (i.e., the specific conduct involved and the specific regulation(s) alleged to have been violated.

The disciplinary decision is final and it is immediately in effect unless it involves termination of State and/or local financial aid, suspension, or recommendation of expulsion, in which case the student may appeal the decision to the Disciplinary Hearing Panel within ten days. In cases referred to the Panel by the disciplinary officer or in cases where the decision is appealed to the Panel, the procedures in Section V will be followed. The student may, in writing, accept the penalty of suspension or expulsion without further hearing and without admitting participation in the conduct charged.

Range of Disciplinary Actions

1. Verbal Reprimand:

A warning that the conduct is not acceptable.

2. Written Reprimand: 

Becomes part of the student file for a minimum of five years or longer at the discretion of the disciplinary officer, and is considered in the event of future violations.

3. Mental Health Clearance: 

Mental health clearance may be required before a student is readmitted to a particular class or allowed to be on district property. The campus chief administrative officer (or designee) must receive a letter from a licensed mental health professional stating that in his or her professional judgment, the student will no longer continue the behavior which gave rise to the disciplinary action or that the student’s presence on campus is not a threat to himself or herself or others. The mental health professional must be licensed by the State of California. The student shall bear the cost and expense of obtaining mental health clearance.

4. Disciplinary Probation:

A specific period of conditional participation in campus and academic affairs, which may involve any or all of the following:

a.    Ineligibility for all student government roles;

b    Removal from any student government position;

c.    Revocation of the privilege of participating in district and/or student-sponsored activities;

d.    Ineligibility for membership on an athletic team;

e.    Limitation of courses and/or instructors the student may take.

5. Suspension:

The Board of Trustees or the disciplinary officer may suspend a student for cause. Suspension will be accompanied by a hearing conducted by the Disciplinary Hearing Panel. Suspension may involve

a.    Removal from one or more classes for the remainder of the academic term.

b.    Removal from all classes and activities of the District for one or more terms. During this time, the student may not be enrolled in any class or program within the District.

6. Expulsion:

The Board of Trustees may expel a student for cause when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct or when the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others. Expulsion will be accompanied by a hearing conducted by the Disciplinary Hearing Panel.

For further information, students may contact the President’s Office at Irvine Valley College or refer to the South Orange County Community College District Administrative Regulation 5401, available in the college library or at

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IVC Multilingual Directory






American Sign Language

Abby Woolard

SSC 171



Joe Atallah




Davit Khachatryan

A 100



Shakeh Mehrabian

A 200



Jhuma Chakraborty

Library (Service Desk)



Joanne Chen  A 200 949-451-5531


Silver Leowidjaja

SSC 110



Kaye McDonald

SSC 230



Silvie Grote




Mina Nawabi

SSC 210



Mahshid (Michelle) Hajir

SSC 220



Nasser Khandan SSC 171



Shakeh Mehrabian

A 200



Mina Nawabi

SSC 210



Aida Saket

SSC 110


Layla Salimi

SSC 210



Parisa Soltani

SSC 210



Kiana Tabibzadeh

B 274



Ilknur Erbas-White

B 200



Loris Fagioli A 120 949-451-5513


Corine Reymond

PE 200



Daniel E. Rivas

A 200



Loris Fagioli A 120 949-451-5513


Carla Reisch

A 200



Roopa Mathur

B 200



Silver Leowidjaja

SSC 110



Loris Fagioli A 120 949-451-5513


Fumiko Ishii

A 288



Venera Makhambetova SSC 110 949-451-5502


Joon Kil




Mina Nawabi

SSC 210



Daniel Luzko

A 100



Daniel Luzko

A 100



Beatrice Tseng

A 200



Venera Makhambetova SSC 110 949-451-5502


Gillian Patella

SSC 110



Rebecca Beck

A 200



Christian Chavez SSC 230 949-451-5339


Mahshid (Michelle) Hajir

SSC 220



Angel Hernandez

SSC 210



John Licitra

SSC 210



Daniel Luzko

A 100



Marina Munoz

SSC 220



Angela Orozco-Mahaney

A 100



Daniel E. Rivas

A 200



Beatrice Tseng

A 200



Beatrice Tseng

A 200



Ilknur Erbas-White

B 200



Tiffany Tran

SSC 210


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Glossary of College Terms

Ability to Benefit Test (ATB): A test approved by the Department of Education for students who do not have a high school diploma or GED certificate and are seeking federal financial aid. It measures basic verbal and math skills.

Academic Renewal:  Under certain circumstances, students may elect to have previously completed courses disregarded in the computation of their cumulative grade point average (GPA).  This process is known as academic renewal.  Applications must be filed in the IVC Office of Admissions and Records.

Advanced Placement (AP): AP exams are designed to measure where high school students who have taken Advanced Placement courses are in their education, in order to place them in the appropriate classes when they go to college in the US. At Irvine Valley, students may earn degree and general education credit for AP tests with scores of 3, 4, or 5. Students must have official copies of their exam results sent to the IVC Admissions Office.

Advisement:  An online interactive session designed to assist new students in planning their first-semester classes. 

Articulation Agreement: An official written agreement that identifies courses at one college that are comparable to or accepted in lieu of specific course requirements at another college.  Articulation agreements between IVC and other schools list courses that meet major and course requirements and are transferable. See for agreements between IVC, CSU and UC. 

Assessment:  A process of gathering information about individual students, reflecting each student’s academic strengths and weaknesses. Assessment test results are used to recommend placement in English, math and ESL classes.

Associate Degree (Associate in Arts, Associate in Science):  The degree awarded by a community college upon satisfactory completion of 60 units of college work, including general education, major, and other specified requirements.

Bachelor’s Degree (e.g., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science):  A degree awarded by a four-year college or university after satisfactory completion of a specified program of study, usually a minimum of 120 semester units.

Catalog: A college publication describing academic programs, student services, general regulations, requirements and procedures.  The catalog describes all courses offered by a college, including information as to unit value, transferability and prerequisites. The IVC catalog is available for purchase in the college bookstore and online at  Note:  Not all courses listed in the catalog are taught each semester.  Refer to the online class schedule for current course offerings.

Certificate of Achievement:  A state-approved certificate awarded for the successful completion of a specific set of courses in a career/technical program. A certificate is not a degree.

Certificate of Competency:  A non-credit certificate awarded for the successful completion of a specific set of non-credit courses. A certificate is not a degree.

Certificate of Proficiency:  A locally approved certificate of fewer than 18 units awarded for the successful completion of a specific set of courses in a career/technical program. A certificate is not a degree.

Certification: An important formal process to verify the student’s completion of college work, specifically lower-division general education requirements. Irvine Valley will certify completion of the IGETC or CSU General Education pattern to a California State University or a University of California campus. See a counselor for assistance.  

Closed Class:  When the number of students enrolled in a class reaches capacity during registration, the course is considered “closed.”  Entry into a closed class is by the instructor’s approval only.

Continuing Student:  A student who was enrolled at IVC or Saddleback in the immediately preceding semester.

Corequisite: A condition of enrollment consisting of any course that a student is required to take simultaneously in order to enroll in another course. These courses are designed to complement one another. Students are required to enroll in both courses concurrently (simultaneously) during the semester. For instance, Music 51, a course in which students receive individual keyboard lessons, has a corequisite of Music 53, a course in which students actually participate in concerts and recitals.  

CSU Certification Pattern:  Prospective transfer students attending a community college may complete this series-or “pattern”-of courses to satisfy the lower-division general education requirements for a CSU.


   Academic Dismissal-Any student whose cumulative grade point average falls below 1.75 after three consecutive semesters will be subject to dismissal.  

   Progress Dismissal-Any student whose cumulative total of “W,” “I,” and “NP” grades exceeds 50 percent for three consecutive semesters will be subject to dismissal.

   Students who receive notification of dismissal must be dismissed for one semester. To appeal dismissal or readmission after dismissal, students may file their request with the Office of Admissions and Records.

Electives:  Courses that are not required for the major or for general education but may be used toward fulfilling the total unit requirement for graduation. 

Full-Time Student:  A student who is enrolled in a minimum of 12 units in fall or spring semester or 6 units in summer term.

General Education (GE) Requirements:  A specific group of courses required of all students in college, regardless of major, who are working toward a degree.  Sometimes called “breadth” requirements, these include courses in the natural sciences, social and behavioral sciences, arts and humanities, English composition, math, communication, and critical thinking.  GE patterns vary from college to college. Consult the catalog for general education requirements for the associate degree.

Grade Point Average:  A measure  of academic achievement obtained by dividing a student’s total grade points by the number of units attempted.

IGETC-Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum: A pattern of courses that community college students may complete to satisfy the lower-division general education requirements at both the UC and the CSU system.

Incomplete:  Incomplete academic work for unforeseeable, emergency, and justifiable reasons at the end of the semester may result in an “I” symbol being entered in the student’s record.  A final grade is assigned when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated, or when the one-year time limit for completing the work has passed.

Lab:  Class hours during which students perform experiments or activities to help them learn and understand the material related to a course.

Limitation on Enrollment: When a course has a limitation, it usually means that students have to pass an audition or meet an eligibility requirement in order to enroll. For instance, all intercollegiate athletics courses have a limitation that students must meet the Commission on Athletics eligibility requirements and pass a physical exam prior to intercollegiate competition. Most music and dance performing ensembles and theatre production courses require students to audition before they can enroll.

Lower Division:  College courses at the freshman and sophomore levels.

Major:  A planned series of courses in one primary field of study or area of concentration.  A major is important for students planning for a certificate, degree, or transfer to a four-year institution.

Matriculation: A process including assessment, orientation, advisement, and follow-up designed to assist new students in achieving their educational goals.

New Student:  A person who is applying for admission and has never previously attended IVC or Saddleback College.

Orientation:  An online presentation explaining college policies, programs and services.

Part-Time Student:  A student enrolled in less than 12 units fall or spring semester or less than 6 units in summer term.

Pass/No Pass:  A policy of granting credit, but no grade, for satisfactory completion of a course.  P/NP grades are not counted when computing the student’s grade point average.

Prerequisite: A requirement that must be met before enrolling in a particular course (usually an entrance test score, a prior course, or previously demonstrated knowledge). For example, Writing 201 is a prerequisite for Writing 1. In order to have a reasonable chance of succeeding in Writing 1, students must have mastered the skills taught in Writing 201. “Successful completion” is defined as a grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” or “P” in the prerequisite course. Grades that are not acceptable are “D,” “F,” “W,” or “NP.” The course descriptions in the catalog and the “Details” section of the online class schedule identify course prerequisites, if any.

Probation:  A student who has enrolled in at least 12 semester units at IVC and/or Saddleback College will be placed on probation for two reasons:

   Academic Probation-The student’s cumulative grade point average in all units attempted falls below 2.0 (“C”).

   Progress Probation-The percentage of all units for which entries of “W,” “I,” and “NP” are recorded reaches or exceeds 50 percent.

Recommended Preparation: A course or experience that a student is advised but not required to complete before enrolling in a particular course.  For example, the recommended preparation for Accounting 1A includes completing Math 253 and possessing a working knowledge of spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel. This preparation is considered advantageous, but not essential, to succeed in Accounting 1A.

Registration:  The point at which students actually select and enroll in specific classes.  Registration dates and times are available on MySite. You cannot register any earlier than the time indicated for you on MySite.

Resident:  To be classified as a California resident, a student must meet certain requirements, including living in the state for at least one year and one day prior to enrolling. The Admissions Office verifies residency.

Returning Student:  A person who has previously attended IVC or Saddleback College but has been absent for one or more semesters.

Semester:  Half of an academic year, usually 16-18 weeks.

Sexual Harassment:  Any unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or other unwelcome verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the work or college setting.

Syllabus:  A summary of course requirements and assignments distributed by professors, usually on the first day of class.

Transcript:  A record of college work showing the units attempted, units completed, final grades, and grade point averages. An IVC transcript will reflect only those courses taken at IVC. Unofficial transcripts may be viewed on MySite under “Academic History.”

Transfer Admission Guaranteed (TAG):  A college or university may guarantee transfer admission upon the successful completion of specified required courses. IVC has TAG agreements with UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, UC Merced, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Riverside. See a counselor for more information.

Transfer Courses:  Courses from a community college that are accepted for credit by four-year colleges.

Undergraduate:  Refers to a student-or student work completed-in the freshman through senior years of college.

Unit:  A number that indicates the amount of credit given to a course. Generally, one unit is awarded for every three hours of student work per week per term. In a lecture course, one unit is awarded for each hour per week in class, with the assumption that the student spends two additional hours per week outside of class on homework, reading and other preparation. In a lab course, one unit is awarded for (typically) three hours per week in class, with the assumption that most of the student’s work is completed during class. 

Upper Division:  University courses at the junior and senior levels.

Withdrawal (Drop):  Withdrawing involves formally withdrawing from (dropping) a class in which you are enrolled.  Each student is responsible for officially withdrawing from each class in which he or she enrolls.  Failure to withdraw may result in an “F” or “No Pass” grade. Drop deadlines are posted under each ticket number in the “Details” section of the online class schedule.

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IVC Campus Map

To view a map of the campus, visit the Maps & Directions page.