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    Oct 06, 2024  
2021-22 Catalog: September 2021 Edition 
2021-22 Catalog: September 2021 Edition [ARCHIVED]

Policies and Standards

  • Student Rights  
    • Statement on Freedom of Expression, Civility and Mutual Respect, Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy, Sexual Harassment Policy, Complaint Procedures, Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, Crime Awareness, Student Privacy Rights: Releasing Student Records, Instructional and Course Material Fees Policy, Student Right-to-Know Disclosure
  • Student Code of Conduct  
    • Student Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Procedures, Debts Owed to the College, Substance Abuse, Acceptable Use Policy: Digital Information, Parking Regulations, Animals/Pets on Campus, Smoking Policy, Irvine Valley College Social Media Guidelines, Liability Notice

Academic Honesty and Dishonesty

Responsibilities and Definitions for Students

Irvine Valley College actively promotes academic and institutional honesty. Academic dishonesty runs counter to a healthy intellectual environment and tarnishes the educational opportunities offered.

Students may be disciplined for academic dishonesty as described in the following. Disciplinary actions range from a verbal reprimand, to a written reprimand, to disciplinary probation, to suspension, to expulsion. For further information, visit Student Code of Conduct  or contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Services, 949-451-5214. 


Falsification involves any conduct in academic work, records or programs that is intended to deceive, including, but not limited to, the following acts:

  1. forging signatures on official documents such as admissions cards and financial aid applications.

  2. changing or attempting to change official academic records without proper sanction.

  3. misrepresenting or falsifying successful completion prerequisites.

  4. providing false information, such as immigration materials, during the admission or matriculation process.

  5. falsifying one’s identification or falsely using another’s identification.

  6. logging in or otherwise gaining access to a computer, computer network or protected web site using the password or identity of another.

  7. citation of data or information not actually in the source indicated.

  8. including in a reference list of works cited a text or other information source which was not used in constructing the essay, paper or other academic exercise.

  9. submission in a paper, lab report or other academic exercise of falsified, invented, or fictitious date or evidence, or deliberate and knowing concealment or distortion of the true nature, origin, or function of such data or evidence.

  10. submitting as the student’s own work any academic exercises (e.g., written work printing, sculpture, etc.) prepared totally or in part by another.

  11. taking a test for someone else or permitting someone else to take a test for a student.


Students should be advised to state the source of ideas when these are known, since this lends strength to their answers and is part of the ethics of scholarship.

Plagiarism is any conduct in academic work or programs involving misrepresentation of someone else’s words, ideas or data as one’s original work, including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. intentionally representing as one’s own work the work, words, ideas or arrangement of ideas, research, formulae, diagrams, statistics, or evidence of another.

  2. taking sole credit for ideas and/or written work that resulted from collaboration with others.

  3. paraphrasing or quoting material without citing the source.

  4. submitting as one’s own a copy of or the actual work of another person, either in part or in entirety, without appropriate citation (e.g., term-paper mill or internet derived products).

  5. sharing computer files and programs or written papers and then submitting individual copies of the results as one’s own individual work.

  6. submitting substantially the same material in more than one course without prior authorization from each instructor involved.

  7. modifying another’s work and representing it as one’s own work.


Cheating is the use of any unauthorized materials, or information in academic work, records or programs, the intentional failure to follow express directives in academic work, records or programs, and/or assisting others to do the same including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. knowingly procuring, providing, or accepting unauthorized examination materials or study aids.

  2. completing, in part or in total, any examination or assignment for another person.

  3. knowingly allowing any examination or assignment to be completed, in part or in total, for himself or herself by another (e.g., take-home exams or on-line assignments which have been completed by someone other than the student).

  4. copying from another student’s test, paper, lab report or other academic assignment.

  5. copying another student’s test answers.

  6. copying, or allowing another student to copy, a computer file that contains another student’s assignment, homework lab reports, or computer programs and submitting it, in part or in its entirety, as one’s own.

  7. using unauthorized sources of information such as crib sheets, answers stored in a calculator, or unauthorized electronic devices.

  8. storing answers in electronic devices and allowing other students to use the information without the consent of the instructor.

  9. employing aids excluded by the instructor in undertaking course work.

  10. looking at another student’s exam during a test.

  11. using texts or other reference materials (including dictionaries) when not authorized to do so.

  12. knowingly gaining access to unauthorized data.

  13. altering graded class assignments or examinations and then resubmitting them for regrading or reconsideration without the knowledge and consent of the instructor. 

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Final Examinations

Final examinations are required for all credit courses. Students are responsible for taking all final examinations as assigned by their course instructor. Students can petition to take a final examination early at the instructor’s discretion


The state legislature mandates a grading policy for all California community colleges (Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 55021). In compliance with this mandate, the South Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees has established the following provisions under Board Policy 4230, Grading Policy.

Academic Record Symbols and Grade Point Average

Letter grades will be averaged on the basis of their numerical grade point equivalencies to determine a student’s grade point average (GPA). The highest grade will receive four points and the lowest grade will receive no (0) points using the following evaluative symbols:

  Definition Grade Point
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Satisfactory 2
D Passing, less than satisfactory 1
F Failing 0
FW Failing Withdrawal (Starting spring 2019)   0
P Pass (equivalent to “A,” “B,” or “C”; units are earned but are not counted in GPA) 0
NP No Pass (equivalent to “D” or “F”; no units are earned, and units are not counted in GPA)  
SP Satisfactory Progress (non-credit only); no units are earned, and units are not counted in GPA  
UG Ungraded (non-credit only); no units are earned, and units are not counted in GPA  

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Nondegree-Applicable Courses

“Nondegree-applicable” courses include basic skills and Emeritus Institute courses whose units may not be counted toward the total units required for a certificate or associate degree at Irvine Valley College.

Note: Grades earned in nondegree-applicable courses do not count in the calculation of students’ grade point averages for degrees or certificates.

I: Incomplete

Incomplete academic work for unforeseeable, emergency, and justifiable reasons at the end of the semester may result in an “I” symbol being entered in the student’s record. The conditions for removal of the “I” will be stated by the instructor in a written record, which will also contain the grade to be assigned in lieu of removal of the “I.” A final grade is assigned when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated, or when the time limit for completing the work has passed.

The “I” agreement with the course instructor can be no longer than one year following the end of the semester in which it was assigned. A student may petition for a time extension due to unusual circumstances by following the petition procedure in the Office of Admissions and Records.

The “I” symbol will not be used in calculating grade point average or units attempted, but excessive “I’s” are used as a factor in progress probation and dismissal procedures.

IP: Work in Progress

The “IP” symbol is used to denote that the class extends beyond the normal end of an academic term. It indicates that work is “in progress” and that assignment of a substantive grade must await its completion. The “IP” symbol will remain on the student’s permanent record in order to satisfy enrollment documentation. The appropriate evaluative grade and unit credit will be assigned and will appear on the student’s record for the semester in which the course is completed. The “IP” symbol is not used in calculating the grade point average. 

RD: Report Delayed

The “RD” symbol is used when there is a delay in reporting the grade of a student due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. It is a temporary notation to be replaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible. “RD” will not be used in calculating grade point averages.

W: Withdrawal

The student or the instructor may initiate a withdrawal. Instructors may involuntarily withdraw a student from a class for excessive absences. The “W” symbol is used to denote a student’s withdrawal from a class or classes up to the 65% point. The academic record of a student who remains in a class beyond the 65% point must reflect one of the following symbols: “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F,” “FW, ” “P,” “NP,” “I,” “IP,” “SP,” “UG.”

No notation (“W” or otherwise) is entered on the academic record of a student who drops during the first 20% of a course. Withdrawal from class anytime between the 20% and 65% points will be recorded as a “W” on the student’s record. Beginning in the Spring 2019 semester, students who are deemed by the instructor to be excessively absent after the withdrawal deadline may be assigned a grade of “FW.”

The “W” is not used in calculating grade point averages, but excessive “W’s” are used as factors in progress probation and dismissal procedures. The “FW” is used in calculating the grade point average.

A student may request permission to withdraw from a class after the 65% point of the semester by following the petition procedure in the Office of Admissions and Records. All requests for this exception must be substantiated with supporting documentation of the student’s extenuating circumstances. Only reasons of extreme emergency clearly beyond the student’s control will be considered.

MW: Military Withdrawal

The “MW” symbol is used for students who are members of active duty, reserve, or guard elements of the armed services and receive orders compelling a withdrawal from all courses. This grading option will have no adverse impact on students or their record and is not used to determine progress probation. Petition for this consideration must be accompanied by a copy of the activation or transfer orders and submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records.

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Grades for Repeated Courses

When a course is repeated the District shall, upon request, disregard the previous grade and credit and include only the most recent credit and grade in the student’s grade point average.

  1. All enrollments shall be recorded on the student’s transcript using an appropriate annotation.
  2. Students may use an equivalent course from an accredited college or university to annotate the first two substandard grades received at the college, only if the grade was earned subsequent to the grade received at the college.
  3. The student must submit a petition to the Admissions and Records Office.
  4. The colleges will honor the course repeat actions of other accredited colleges and universities in determining acceptance of credits and pre-requisites, but such courses will not be calculated in the GPA on an SOCCCD transcript. 

Grade Notification

Grades are available through MySite after they are submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records following final exams. Grades are not available by mail, email or telephone.

Pass/No Pass Option

Students may be evaluated on a Pass/ No Pass grading basis in either of the two following categories: (a) courses in which all students are evaluated on the Pass/No Pass basis, or (b) courses in which each student may elect to be graded on either a Pass/No Pass or a letter grade basis. Students must declare the Pass/No Pass option within the first 30% of the semester, after which it is irreversible. Students may request the grading option change through their MySite account or in person at the Office of Admissions and Records.

A Pass (“P”) grade indicates satisfactory (a letter grade of “A,” “B,” or “C”) work in the class and units awarded with such a grade. No grade points are assigned, however, and the grade is not used to compute the grade point average.

A No Pass (“NP”) grade indicates less than satisfactory work (a letter grade of “D” or “F”); and with such a grade, no units are earned, nor is the grade used to compute the grade point average. However, units attempted for which “NP” (as defined in Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 55022) is recorded will be considered in probation and dismissal procedures.

Note: In lieu of the traditional letter grade, the P/NP option is offered so that students may explore subject areas of interest outside of their major areas of competence or known abilities without being overly concerned with a grade or with jeopardizing their grade point average. 

Factors to Consider with the Pass/No Pass Grading Option

There are a number of factors that students-especially transfer students-should consider before making the decision to opt for completion of a course on a Pass/No Pass basis:

  • Taking a course on a Pass/No Pass basis is not auditing. Students are held to attendance regulations and must complete all examinations and required coursework.
  • Some colleges and universities specify that courses required for a major be completed on a graded (“A”-“F”) basis.
  • Students required to complete 60 units of coursework with a grade point average of 2.4 prior to admission to the University of California must complete at least 46 of the required units on a graded (“A”-“F”) basis. Courses to remedy a University of California admissions deficiency are not acceptable if completed on a “Pass” basis.
  • Students planning to apply to competitive admissions programs should complete specifically required courses on a graded basis.
  • “No Pass” (“NP”) grades are factored into the calculation for progress probation. See Academic Renewal, Probation, Dismissal  for a definition of progress probation.
  • Students planning to receive a degree from the South Orange County Community College District must establish a minimum 2.0 grade point average for at least 12 units in residence completed at Irvine Valley College.
  • Standards for the Dean’s List or other academic honors require completion of a minimum of 12 units in letter-graded courses.

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Graduation Honors

In recognition of academic excellence, students are awarded graduation honors as follows:

Summa Cum Laude:
  4.0 GPA
Magna Cum Laude:
  3.75 to 3.99 GPA
Cum Laude:
  3.50 to 3.74 GPA

Graduation honors for associate degrees are determined using all academic work completed, including all work transferred to the college, except basic skills courses. In order to qualify, students must have completed 24 semester units of academic work at Irvine Valley College or Saddleback College.

Graduation honors for associate degrees will be indicated in the commencement program and on the student’s diploma and transcript. However, for candidates–those students with final grades not yet submitted–the commencement program will note “Candidate,” as their degrees have not yet been confirmed. When final grades are determined, a recalculation of grades will be completed and, if the student qualifies, the graduation honor will be noted on their transcript and diploma.

Dean’s List

The Irvine Valley College Dean’s List recognizes exemplary academic achievement by full-time students who maintain a minimum 3.5 grade point average while enrolled in 12 or more graded units of study each semester (not including summer). Courses offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only or courses in which a student elects the Pass/No Pass option may not be used to meet the eligibility requirements for inclusion on the Dean’s List.

Students who have earned this honor will have appropriate notations on their official college transcripts.

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